About Systemic Racism

Generational Systemic Racism

"In My Father's Voice" is part of a multi-part series of excerpts from candid interviews Clovice recorded with his 87-year-old father about how systemic racism has affected his life. The recordings were made on May 24-25, 2021. Clovice's father breaks his silence about the challenges for African American men serving in the armed forces during the Korean and Vietnam War era. In this excerpt Clovice Lewis, Sr., describes a devastating act of racism against him.

Clovice published these excerpts for several reasons:

  • because many people responded to a poem he wrote called "Don't Tell Me How I Should Feel", in which he made reference to this event. Some wished to hear the interviews
  • to definitively counter the pernicious lie that systemic racism is a recent invention of the left-wing
  • the struggle for equality, compassion, and understanding for People of Color is a very long one

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